We’d love to hear from you!
Contact swim organizers at peakstoportland@ymcaofsouthernmaine.org or 207-874-1111.
Mailing Address: YMCA of Southern Maine, 70 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 04101
Founded in 1853, the YMCA of Southern Maine is one of the oldest YMCAs in the country. Its mission is to build strong kids, individuals, families, and communities through programs and services that promote a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all, regardless of ability to pay. Our three areas of focus (youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility) are positioned to meet Maine’s greatest needs.
The Peaks to Portland Swim to Benefit Kids is one of the oldest open water swims in the world; since before World War II thousands have braved Maine’s waters to swim the 2.4 miles from Peaks Island to Portland’s East End Beach. All proceeds benefit children in the YMCA of Southern Maine's youth development programs. Last year the YMCA of Southern Maine provided more than half a million dollars in financial assistance and program support for youth alone.
Thank you for supporting kids in our community!
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